Abogados de Accidentes de Conductor no Asegurados

Si nos contrata para su caso de lesiones, puede esperar 3 cosas:

  1. Comunicación proactiva sobre su caso, 24/7.
  2. Actualizaciones programadas sobre su caso.
  3. Representación agresiva.


We Make Working With Our Personal Injury Lawyers Easy

When you sign up with the personal injury lawyers at Sargent Law Firm, the first thing we do is contact the at-fault party’s insurance company and let them know we are representing you. Once they know they have to go through us, they will know that you have experienced legal advocates on your side.


Free Case Review
Free Case Review

We are available 24/7, and will review your case and all your options for free.

FREE Case Review

Hire us
Hire us

You do not pay us until we win your case.

FREE Case Review

Case Plan
Case Plan

Our team will develop a plan specific for you, and your individual case. We will send letters of representation to insurance companies, obtain police reports, perform accident investigations, and gather all evidence related to the accident.

Medical Treatment
Medical Treatment

We will help you navigate the healthcare system and your medical treatment. We work with many respected and highly experienced medical providers who will guide your treatment towards recovery, even if you don’t have health insurance.


We will negotiate on your behalf to help you recover:

  1. Medical Bills & Future Medical Costs
  2. Lost Wages & future loss of earnings
  3. Physical & Mental Pain and suffering, both past & future
  4. Wrongful Death Damages
  5. Property Damages

Our goal is to reach a fair settlement with the insurance company, and for our clients to be fairly compensated for their injuries.


If the insurance company refuses to reach a fair settlement for your case, then our firm will file a lawsuit on your behalf. We have our own Litigation Department who will fight for you in court to recover the money to which you are entitled for your injuries.

01 - Free Case Review

We are available 24/7, and will review your case and all your options for free.

FREE Case Review

02 - Hire us

You do not pay us until we win your case.

FREE Case Review

03 - Case Plan

Our team will develop a plan specific for you, and your individual case. We will send letters of representation to insurance companies, obtain police reports, perform accident investigations, and gather all evidence related to the accident.

04 - Medical Treatment

We will help you navigate the healthcare system and your medical treatment. We work with many respected and highly experienced medical providers who will guide your treatment towards recovery, even if you don’t have health insurance.

05 - Negotiations

We will negotiate on your behalf to help you recover:

  1. Medical Bills & Future Medical Costs
  2. Lost Wages & future loss of earnings
  3. Physical & Mental Pain and suffering, both past & future
  4. Wrongful Death Damages
  5. Property Damages

06 - Settlement

Our goal is to reach a fair settlement with the insurance company, and for our clients to be fairly compensated for their injuries.

07 - Litigation

If the insurance company refuses to reach a fair settlement for your case, then our firm will file a lawsuit on your behalf. We have our own Litigation Department who will fight for you in court to recover the money to which you are entitled for your injuries.

Abogado de accidente con conductor sin seguro de California

Si usted o alguien que ama o depende de usted sufre de lesiones en un accidente de auto con un conductor sin seguro o con un seguro insuficiente, ¿qué se puede hacer? Afortunadamente, usted tiene opciones dependiendo de su propia cobertura de seguro. Esta parte puede ser  complicada y es mejor que no lo trate de solucionar por su propia cuenta. Ryan Sargent,  es un abogado de accidente de auto en California, el  le puede ayudar.

Los hechos sobre los conductores sin seguro médico en California

accidentes de conductor no asegurados en Temecula CALa ley de California exige a cada conductor un mínimo de $15.000 por persona y $30,000 por accidente en la cobertura de responsabilidad civil  en lesiones corporales y un mínimo de cobertura de daños a la propiedad  de $5.000. Pero hubo más 4,1 millones  de conductores sin seguro a partir de 2012, según el Consejo de investigación  de seguro, poniendo a California como  un lugar excepcionalmente malo para tener un accidente de vehículo de motor.

Más allá , aún  si el otro conductor tiene un seguro, ese dinero podría no cubrirlo todo. Por ejemplo, si usted estaba en una luz roja y de repente  el auto que viene detrás de usted  choca el carro en su carro.  Usted Sufre  lesiones, pierde su  trabajo y ha estado buscando tratamiento médico para enfrentar el dolor que sufrió. Pero al  otro conductor que le chocó por detrás sólo lleva la responsabilidad del  mínimo legal de $15,000 en cobertura de lesión de responsabilidad corporal. Sus gastos médicos no  podrían ser mayores al  valor de esta cobertura.

¿Qué puede usted hacer si tiene un accidente con un conductor sin seguro o con seguro insuficiente?

Las opciones para recobrar los daños después de un accidente con un conductor sin seguro

Usted puede tener opciones después de tener  un accidente con un conductor sin seguro o con seguro insuficiente. California permite comprar cobertura para los conductores sin seguro  y con seguro insuficiente (UM/UIM), también conocido como seguro de cobertura de lesión corporal automovilista, en una cantidad igual a la política de la responsabilidad máxima que ya tiene. Esta póliza lo protege en caso de que la persona que le chocó este sin seguro o con seguro insuficiente. Existe una política similar conocida como el seguro de cobertura de daños de vehículo conductor que protege su propiedad.

UM o UIM la protección no es obligatoria, por lo que tendrá que comprobar si la tiene  en su póliza. Otra cobertura de seguro también puede estar disponible, como la cobertura de colisión que cubre daños a la propiedad que sufre independientemente de la culpa. También puede tener que depender de su cobertura de seguro de salud en algunos casos.

Trabaje  con el  abogado Ryan Sargent para ir sobre cada póliza de seguro disponible para  usted e identificar opciones de cobertura que pueden ayudarle. Contáctenos hoy mismo para ayudar a guiarlo  por esta complicada situación. Llamar al 833-599-6667.

Sargent Law Firm’s Recent Personal Injury Claim Results

When Sargent Law Firm represents you, our goal is to secure maximum compensation for your damages. Here are some of our recent results for personal injury claims in California and Idaho.

Every case is unique, and this partial list of our recent results does not guarantee your case will have the same or a similar outcome. Reach out to our personal injury lawyers today so we can evaluate your case based on its own merits.

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Why Choose Sargent Law Firm’s Personal Injury Lawyers?

At Sargent Law Firm, we are dedicated to giving injured parties and their families the support you’ll need to recover and move forward. We create a specific legal plan tailored to your case, which is just the beginning of the benefits of working with our California and Idaho personal injury attorneys.


Our law firm has handled 1,000’s of personal injury cases, and is known for our honesty, exceptional client experience, and impressive case results within our community.

No Up-Front Cost

Our clients do not pay us until we win your case!


FREE Case Review

Protection from The Insurance Companies

Insurance companies want to pay you the least amount of money for your injury claim. We know the techniques and games that insurance companies use, and our firm will fight for your fair compensation.


Our team of attorneys are compassionate, assertive, and experienced in all aspects of a personal injury case.


Ongoing communication with our clients is a top priority at our firm. Our experienced team is available by text, phone, email, and client portal to keep our clients updated at every step of their case.


A Sargent Law Firm Client Portal is created for all of our clients. This allows our clients to access their case and case updates at their convenience. We utilize technology to enhance our client experience and case results.


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