When Should I Hire A Personal Injury Attorney

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People tend to hire an accident lawyer in case they have been involved in a car accident that has resulted in personal injury and/or monetary loss.

But there are a number of times when people tend to avoid hiring an attorney in order to save on legal fees. Technically, even you can file your personal injury claim against any insurance company, on your own. This is a route followed by many people in case they have suffered some minor injuries only. Besides, they would feel that they have enough time for doing the research on the legal claims process.

But hiring a personal injury attorney has a number of advantages too. This can help you to stand and fight against big auto insurance companies who have their own team of lawyers. Also, your attorney is already aware of the personal injury laws as well as procedural rules. Hence all the paperwork and legwork can be effectively handled for you. You can have an advocate for you throughout the case.

Do note that the lawyers of an insurance company have the knowledge that can lead to reducing of compensation or even denying your claim altogether. Hence it is advisable to hire an accident attorney. This is the best option in case you have suffered severe injuries, or facing expensive medical bills. This is required in case you are also undergoing a significant loss in your wages due to the injuries that have been incurred.

You need to consider hiring an accident attorney in case you have sustained auto accident injuries. The severity of these personal injuries is measured by the kind of injuries sustained and the length of time that it will take for you to recover. You will also have to consider the cost of medical bills, along with any other therapeutic procedures that may be required and the estimated cost of any medical procedures that may be required in future. In case there are any long-term or any kind of permanently disabling injuries, then you need an attorney.

A long-term injury would typically refer to something that lasts for a year or longer. A permanent injury will be one that can disable you for life. Such kind of personal injuries can impact your ability to be or even stay employed, along with the quality of your life.

It is not easy to prove long-term or permanently disabling injuries. Your personal injury attorney will have to consult with your medical professional, who may be requested to be present during any legal proceedings.

Disputed Liability

An insurance company can dispute the liability of its policyholder for the car crash. This means that the company is claiming that the policyholder is not at fault and, thus the insurance company is not liable to pay for your damages. This is when a personal injury attorney will help in proving that the other party was indeed at fault.

Even otherwise there can be refusal to pay, or the settlement may not be for a fair amount. In such as case you will require the services of an attorney.

Hence it is quite obvious that there are many benefits accruing from the experience and expertise of a lawyer.

In case you are attempting to handle a claim on your own and hiring a lawyer only later when things get tough; may complicate the claim process further. Hence you need to understand what you can do and what is at stake. In case you mishandle your case, it could actually make things worse. If you do not know what to do or how to handle a personal injury claim, it would be better to consider contacting an attorney immediately after your injury.

Car Accidents With Minor Injuries

Do note that there are all kinds of auto accidents. Someone can rear-end you at low speed resulting in minor damages to your vehicle. There may be injuries to you or to your passengers that may require a few visits to the doctor’s office. In such a case, just filing a claim with your insurance company or with the other persons’ can  often be enough to get compensation that will cover the costs of getting your car repaired along with the medical expenses incurred due to the accident. In case you are satisfied with the compensation you receive from the insurance claim, then there would be no need to hire an attorney.

Negotiate Effectively

You do not need a lawyer’s advice in case you feel confident enough to negotiate with the insurance agent on your own and are able to reach a settlement amount that is fair enough for both the parties.

In case you come across any obstacles along the way, then you will need a lot of information about laws regarding Personal Injury and Car Accident. This would include fault and legal liability, state laws affecting your case, and compensation that will be available for different types of damages. All this would require a lot of time and research to understand all these particulars of the law. People do not have the time and energy to do this research. Hence it is better to opt for professionals who have already undergone this training and have knowledge of the law.

The insurance company that you will be making the claim against will be having attorneys to represent and fight for them. These lawyers are professionals who have spent years studying the particulars of the law. They will be representing their clients to the best of their abilities. This is something that you need to consider too.

Also note that studies have proved that the average person receives a much higher settlement with legal assistance than without it. Hence this can make a huge difference in a personal injury settlement.

Also, the particulars of the law can become complicated in case you have a specific situation. In case the person who rear-ended you does not have insurance, then things can get complicated, and you will need an attorney.

If you have been injured in an accident are need help seeking damages, contact The Sargent Firm Injury Lawyers as soon as possible to discuss your case with one of our experienced San Diego car accident attorneys.

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